Admission FAQs

  • Our Lottery for the upcoming school year is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 9:00 am.

  • If your child is offered a seat at Compass, you will be notified by SchoolMint on the afternoon of the lottery. If you were not offered a seat at Compass, you can check SchoolMint to confirm your spot on the wait-list.

    We also do our best to call families upon acceptance.

  • Compass offers the following preferences in order of priority:

    1. Siblings of returning students

    2. Children of Compass staff members

    3. Children who qualify as economically disadvantaged (ED)

    4. Children who reside in Community School District (CSD) 13

    5. All additional applicants

    Compass reserves 40% of all seats for students who qualify as economically disadvantaged.

  • New York State law requires that when siblings apply to a charter school and one child is accepted, the other child is automatically moved to the top of their respective wait-list. For example, if sibling A is #1 on the 3rd grade wait-list and sibling B is #3 on the Kindergarten wait-list, when sibling A is accepted into 3rd grade, sibling B immediately jumps over the children who are #1 and #2 on the wait-list to become #1.

  • No. We are legally required to hold a lottery every April to determine who gets access to the available seats for the following school year.

  • We work very hard to afford families opportunities to learn about Compass. We have a very long wait-list every year, and we feel that it is respectful to the families on the wait-list for us to ask families to decide swiftly whether or not they will accept their seat.

  • Every spring, we ask Compass families if they intend for their child to return to our school. We also ask families if our students have any siblings who will be applying for the following school year. After families indicate their plans, we count how many available seats are left over and use the lottery to fill those seats.